[title photo: lushusa.com]


LUSH’s mouth care range is unique to both the cosmetics and oral care industries. Promoting a healthier alternative that not only is better for your teeth but better for the environment as well.


[photo: Lush (store unknown)]

Popular drugstore toothpaste brands carry toxic ingredients like fluoride, triclosan, aspartame, and microbeads that can break away at enamel, has links to cause cancer and pollute the environment through the use of aluminum tubes and microbeads.

It’s important for all of us to do our part in minimizing our carbon footprints without the need to sacrifice things out of our daily lives and routines. And lets be real. Oil pulling, although it has great health benefits, isn’t for everyone.


LUSH’s toothy tabs were first introduced and sold in 100% recycled cardboard boxes but have been redesigned and are now housed in plastic tubes sourced from recycled material. This was due to much feedback about boxes breaking down, losing form or becoming soggy and causing the toothy tabs to crumble.

Just think – cardboard boxes don’t hold up well in the rain. This is exactly what happened.

When LUSH reintroduced their toothy tabs in new packaging, they also included new ‘flavors’ and mouthwash tabs into the toothcare range. Unfortunately, the mouthwash tabs are only available to purchase in the UK and from the UK LUSH website. *sigh* But are expected to make their way into North America stores middle of this year.


[photo: thegloss.net]

BUY LUSH’s Mouthwash Tabs *from the UK*

LUSH also introduced tooth powders into the mouth care line and expanded the toothy tab collection with new ingredients and ‘flavors’.

The toothy and mouthwash tabs and powders work the same. All of them do the deed but a few do a little more, such as LUSH’s #1 selling mouth care item: BOOM! toothy tabs – infused with charcoal to whiten and detoxify.

[photo: Top 3 – lushusa.com | Bottom: lorieloveslush]



The toothy and mouthwash tabs work the same. You only need one per use and all you have to do it take one tab, chew it up a little, and as soon as you wet your toothbrush and brush away, the product will foam up and cleanse teeth just like normal toothpaste.

The powders are one step ahead of the tabs since they are ground up already. Just simply wet your toothbrush and tap it into the powder to pick up product. As soon as you start brushing, it will foam up just like the toothy tabs and regular toothpaste.


[photo: Lush UK]

The tabs and powders are also very travel friendly. I’ve traveled with both products on multiple occasions and have never been flagged by TSA or any other checkpoints at the airport. It also doesn’t take up a lot of space and considering you get 100 tablets in one bottle, its ideal for long trips or trips with multiple people if you have to share amenities.

In terms of how effective the products are: I’ve seen my teeth lighten a few shades from using BOOM for about 2 months now and I’ve been switching between MILES OF SMILES and ULTRABLAST for over 6 ongoing months now and I always have long lasting minty breath from the Spearmint oils and my teeth feel clean.

Although I have tried all of the the flavors in the mouth care range, I like to stick with the basic minty flavors which is why I stuck to ULTRABLAST and MILES OF SMILES for so long. It wasn’t until I started noticing that BOOM! was flying off of our shelves at work and online and hearing amazing feedback from customers that I incorporated BOOM! into my daily mouth care regimen.


[photo: Top – lorieloveslush | Bottom 2 – lushusa.com]

BUY BOOM! toothy tabs

The BOOM! toothy tabs are as much interesting as they are cool. Packed with activated charcoal (a new ingredient that is actively trending), gunpowder tea, and black pepper oils, BOOM! whitens and deep cleanses the surface of teeth enamel and has detoxifying elements that promote gum and overall oral health. The black pepper adds warmth to its cola, soda-pop taste.

Alone, it tastes like cherry cola but I still mix mine with MILES OF SMILES since I still crave that minty taste when it comes to tooth ‘paste’.

LUSH’s entire mouthcare range is definitely something you should look into if you are looking for a natural toothpaste, are environmentally conscious, travel often or are looking for something new and unique to try.

CLICK to see LUSH’s entire mouthcare range!!


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